Nonna Tina’s Sure Hits: Addicting Artichokes (GF + V)

Can artichokes be addicting? My Nonna Tina’s recipe points to sure yes. In my family, we call my nonna’s top recipes “sure hits.” These include her infamous peas (which I try to replicate), her Dorada fish, and yes, these artichokes. A couple days ago, I was feeling nostalgic and called my nonna to ask how… Continue reading Nonna Tina’s Sure Hits: Addicting Artichokes (GF + V)

Dopo tre anni … Milano Eats!

After three years, I have finally returned to the Motherland: Italy. My 10 days in Italy were filled with family – including meeting the newest addition and my love, Noah (above) – and naturally, many many delicious eats. Throughout my time away, I’ve been recreating Italian dishes, from my go-to dinner of spaghetti aglio e… Continue reading Dopo tre anni … Milano Eats!

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Land of Opportunity and Surprises: A Roundup of Cleveland’s Best Eats

This summer, I had the most incredible experience.  After blind calling the Cleveland Clinic’s Integrative Medicine department back in January, I was lucky enough to experience an internship with them, and through that, explore Cleveland.  Admittedly, I used to hold a limited attitude on the Midwest, particularly Ohio.  While joyous over the Cleveland Clinic, I… Continue reading Land of Opportunity and Surprises: A Roundup of Cleveland’s Best Eats

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Mount Granita: A Taste of Sicily … in Ohio

“Hi there!” I thought I had walked onto a Hallmark movie set.   I snap out from my perplexed gaze to see a friendly smile and gentle wave coming from a stand.  “Mount Granita”, the logo reads.  

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Ingredients for Change: How FNB’s People and Food Challenge Intra-city Dynamics

This semester, I took a class called “Cities and Food” as part of my Nutrition minor. An anthropological class at heart, one of our readings was about Food Not Bombs (FNB), an organization that shares free vegan meals as a protest to war and poverty. For this assignment, we were tasked to focus on one… Continue reading Ingredients for Change: How FNB’s People and Food Challenge Intra-city Dynamics

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Sarma-ian Dining: Urbanization and Globalization in Somerville

This semester, I took a class called “Cities and Food” as part of my Nutrition minor. An anthropological class at heart, one of our assignments was to write field notes on a food provisioning experience. Luckily, I had a reservation at one of my favorite restaurants (possibly ever). Enjoy! A friend’s birthday called for a… Continue reading Sarma-ian Dining: Urbanization and Globalization in Somerville

Lights, Notepad, Action: The Theatrics of Boston’s Two Markets

This semester, I took a class called “Cities and Food” as part of my Nutrition minor. An anthropological class at heart, one of our assignments was to do a “thick description” of Boston’s Public Market and Haymarket. This included taking field notes, talking to vendors, and soaking up the scene. Read below for my theatrical… Continue reading Lights, Notepad, Action: The Theatrics of Boston’s Two Markets