Adaptogen Recipe: Ashwagandha Tahini Cups (GF + V)

ashwagandha tahini cups

After a stressful, long day, we all share one thing: we crave comfort food.  Whether that be a warm, gooey bowl of mac and cheese or a generous slice of chocolate cake – these foods make us feel better emotionally and physically (temporarily).  Our adrenals are the same way, craving comfort during times of prolonged stress, and they may need a helping hand.  Enter adaptogens.

Adaptogens have gained a lot of popularity in the health world, but it requires a little creativity to incorporate them into the foods we already love.  In my introductory article on adaptogens, we learned that adaptogens are natural substances found in plants and how they are thought to help the body adapt to stress and balance the body.  One example of adaptogens is ashwagandha.

Once opening the package of ashwagandha, it definitely was not love at first sight – or first smell.  It’s no surprise, that in Sanskrit, it means “smell of the horse.”  Ashwagandha is an herb, not a culinary spice.  You may ask, What’s the difference?  Culinary spices tend to be tasty, while herbs are usually known more for their health benefits than their flavor.

Here laid my challenge: using a healthy ingredient in a recipe that would appeal to me, my family, and my followers.  Tahini, another great superfood, has been a new staple ingredient of mine in the kitchen, so why not combine them?  Oh, and a little bit of dark chocolate will tick the box for comfort food.

ashwagandha tahini cups 2

So why the spotlight on ashwagandha?

  • It increases energy and improved concentration
    • Fun Fact ⇒ It has been used for these purposes for the past 3,000 years
  • Ashwagandha reduces cortisol (aka stress hormone) levels
    • “Researchers reported that it blocked the stress pathway in the brains of [laboratory animals] by regulating chemical signaling in the nervous system,” according to
  • It may reduce inflammation

Tahini’s a great ingredient in itself, containing B vitamins like thiamine, and other minerals like magnesium, copper, calcium, iron and zinc.   Add the dark chocolate for anti-oxidant powers and it’ll be the perfect dose of comfort food for the mind and body.  🙂


Ashwagandha Tahini Cups (GF + V)
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Vegan, Gluten-free
Serves: 14
  • 2 cups vegan chocolate + 1 tsp coconut oil
  • ½ cup tahini
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened, unsalted peanut butter (or sunflower butter if nut-free)
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp ashwagandha powder
  • pinch of salt
  • sea salt flakes (like Maldon)
  • sesame seeds
  1. Melt the vegan chocolate in the microwave at 30-sec intervals, or in a heat-proof bowl over the medium-heat stove. Once removed from the heat, add the coconut oil and stir. Move to the side.
  2. Whisk together the tahini, peanut butter (or sunflower butter), maple syrup, and the salt (not flakes).
  3. In an ice cube container or a lined mini muffin pan, spoon in chocolate until it hits roughly ⅓ of the container. Then spoon in your tahini mixture. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.
  4. Add chocolate to the top and sprinkle sesame seeds and sea salt flakes.
  5. Best if kept frozen! Enjoy.





One thought on “Adaptogen Recipe: Ashwagandha Tahini Cups (GF + V)

  1. Albina Patriarca says:

    Grazie Kayla.. Sembra di alta classe. Me lo preparerai quanfdo mi verrai a trovare. Ok?Bravissima. Un forte abbraccio. Nonna tua

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